Auto Repair: The Top Ten Mistakes Made by Your Mechanic


Number One: Not confirming the concern. Confirming a repair concern is a basic diagnostic principle frequently overlooked. To fix a problem, the first thing one must do is recognize it. Number Two: Insufficient Road Testing. The importance of a thorough road test (even for an oil change) is well documented […]

Finding Reliable Car Recovery Services for Luxury Cars


Luxury cars, given their price tags, are built for optimum performance and service reliability. However, no matter how expensive a car is, even if it comes with unlimited warranty, it will eventually fail its driver in some way or another. The most frustrating would be when it refuses to cooperate […]

5 Benefits Of Window Tinting For Your Car


In 2018, there were reports of more than 700,000 vehicle theft incidents. Generally, vehicles that have something valuable inside them are more likely to be broken into. But there should be a way to prevent these incidents. In this article, we are going to talk about the importance of window […]

The New “07” Car Registration Plates Have Arrived


At 8.00am on the 5th of December 2006 the DVLA introduced the 07 car registration plate series to the car number plate market, providing even more options for people searching for the ultimate private registration. Prefix and dateless registrations have traditionally been more popular when it comes to buying a […]

Tata Winger-Specifications and Price at a Glance


Taking the concept of mini-vans to the next level, the Tata Winger got introduced as a spacious passenger vehicle fitted with performance packed engines supporting varied applications.This vehicle is available in nine or thirteen seating options at an ex show room price of ₹ 7,00,000 – ₹ 7,56,365. Tata Motors […]

A Discussion on SUV Cars in India


India is probably home to one of the biggest car-using populations in the world. This makes this country a favorite breeding ground for the world’s top automakers. The majority of the most respected automakers of the world even have their own vehicle manufacturing and assembling units in India. In this […]

Retail Design for Vehicle Showrooms


Why the Right Retail Design is Important for Motor Showrooms When vehicles undergo constant design upgrades and enhancements to make them more appealing and efficient, it stands to reason that the spaces that market them should do so too. Inspired by new ideas of efficiency and aesthetics that guide the […]

The Rise and Fall of Porsche in Formula One


The Porsche have not been that successful when it came to Formula one racing. However when Porsche first entered into races they astonished the world with their performance But when they got into Formula one they got some very mixed results. The season that started in 1961 and ran through […]