Budget Stretching Ideas: Cutting New-Car Costs


Looking into the future and thinking about expenses you may meet down the road is one way to avoid sticker shock or buyer’s remorse when purchasing a new car. Experts say most people expect the purchase price, taxes and registration fees associated with a vehicle but many forget the hefty […]

4 Benefits of Driving a Hybrid


Hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly popular and this trend can be linked to the governments higher standards for fuel economy. The Obama Administration has already finalized regulations that will require automotive manufacturers to produce vehicles that can achieve at least 55 miles per gallon. Hybrid vehicles are often confused with […]

Cars That Don’t Go


Gerhard tells the following story: God talked to me about cars with big engines. V8s that roar and gobble up the road when they go. Such a car can easily tow anything from a trailer to a truck. If you realise how much power the engine has, you will move […]

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Auto GPS


There are many factors in choosing an GPS for your auto. Most depend on personal likes, dislikes and wants. Some factors do boil down to hard points. They are: · The receiver. · The number of points of interest. · Quality of the routes. · Price The receiver you want […]

The Mechanics of Communication


In order to formulate powerful communication statements and get your message across with influence, you firstly need to step back and analyze the mechanics of communication. So what are the mechanics of communication? The mechanics of communication are often used in communication training to explain how communication works at the […]

The Many Benefits of an Autoblog


When we hear or utter the term “autoblog”, it reminds us about two things simultaneously. The first thought that comes into our mind is a blog with content created through RSS feeds. The second idea that knocks at the doors of our minds is a website which is dedicated to […]

Car Financing Under Islamic Banking


Current Scenario: The auto industry, especially in the United States, is in a downward spiral alright, and no one has a clue what’s in store for this industry. The same trend is noticeable in other parts of the world, including Japan. With the biggest names in the auto world like […]