The New “07” Car Registration Plates Have Arrived


At 8.00am on the 5th of December 2006 the DVLA introduced the 07 car registration plate series to the car number plate market, providing even more options for people searching for the ultimate private registration. Prefix and dateless registrations have traditionally been more popular when it comes to buying a private number plate however people are becoming aware of some eye catching registration plates in the current style range.

Frantic buyers flooded the DVLA call centre as soon as the car registration plates were released in order to secure their desired number plate. With purchases limited to one purchase per call, many dealers and collectors were on the phone the entire day and with such a high demand it wasn’t long before the most desirable registration plates had been sold. Some of the more distinctive 07 number plates sold included SP07 RTY (Sporty), BL07 GGS (Bloggs) and HP07 TER (H Potter), perfect for the wizard himself! Some of the more distinctive car number plates in the 07 series have been set aside by the DVLA to release at future auctions. Once such plate, OO07 SPY, wouldn’t look out of place on Daniel “James Bond” Craig’s car or could well be snapped up by Aston Martin for promotional use. Other registration numbers to be released at auction include BR07 HER (Brother) and CL07 HES (Clothes) which wouldn’t look out of place on a fashion designers car.

The current style of registration plates were introduced in September 2001 to replace the prefix registration number plate series. The new style of car registration plates followed a format of 3 parts. The first part is two letters representing the area that the vehicle was originally registered. Secondly, there are two numbers representing the vehicle’s age. New style number plates are released twice a year so the first of these numbers illustrates what month the vehicle was registered; March (0) and September (5), with the second number representing which year the vehicle was registered. For example 03 represents March 2003. The final element of the current style number plate is three random letters which make the registration unique.

When considering a new “07” car number plate always bear in mind that a vehicle can always be made to appear older than it is but never newer. For example in order to assign a 07 registration number to your car, your vehicle would have to be an 07 registered vehicle or newer. Car number plates however can be purchased on a DVLA certificate of entitlement meaning that a 07 personal number plate can be purchased today and held indefinitely until assigned to a valid vehicle.

Assigning private number plates to a vehicle is incredibly easy. You will need your V5 log book, a photocopy of your tax disc and an MOT if applicable. Simply take or post these to your local DVLA office with your Certificate of Entitlement and the transfer process can begin. You will receive an updated tax disc displaying your new personal registration number and an update V5 log book will follow shortly from DVLA Swansea. It is important to remember to inform your insurance company of the change of details as well.

With the addition of the 07 series there are thousands more personal car registrations to choose from. With the popularity of private car registrations increasing all the time, popular names and numbers are quickly selling. The great thing about number plates however is that they can be kept for life by being transferred from car to car whenever a vehicle is upgraded. And its not just cars that private number plates can go on, motorbikes too can have their very own personal mark. Once such mark was HD07 HOG, which was sold to the proud owner of a brand new Harley Davidson when the new 07 series was released.

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