What Exactly is Automobile Insurance Car insurance is designed to provide protection to you in the event you injure others, including property damages and bodily injury, as a result of an accident. Furthermore, depending on the coverage and plan you have, it will provide reimbursement to you for injuries and […]
Month: June 2023
I Love Selling Cars
Where else can you get a job that allows you to drive all different kinds of new and used cars from sports cars to 4 wheel drive trucks with people that want to buy them? Then after you go for a ride you sit down with that person and talk […]
Fuel Saving Technology – Convert Your Car to Run on Water
What is the latest fuel saving technology for cars? There was news report that major car manufacturers are adopting new form of energy for their latest production vehicle. The new energy ranges from fuel cell, solar power, bio-diesel, hybrid-electric etc. Most of these new concepts are expensive to implement and […]
Electric Car Conversion Kit – Turn Your Gasoline Powered Vehicle Into an Electric Transporter
Gas prices are constantly rising through the roof. Getting from point A to B is getting more and more expensive. There are people around the globe who are looking for a cheaper alternative way of travelling, whether it’d be from downsizing to a smaller car, or taking other methods of […]
3 Ways to Start an Auto Repossession Business Without a Tow Truck
With auto repossessions at an all-time high, getting into the repo business has never looked more lucrative. And while you can make up to $500 per repo’ed car, investing in a tow truck isn’t cheap. The good news is, you probably don’t need a tow truck to start your own […]
The Biggest Wealth Destroyer In America (A Humble Opinion)
Let’s talk about cars – specifically car leases Average life of a car in the 60s – 6 to 8 years Average life of a car manufactured today – 15 to 20 years So what happened – technology and innovation! Just as in the case of human beings, this century […]
Auto Repair Manuals
If you are an amateur auto mechanic who loves to dig in the car engines until the wee hours while most people are under their blankets, entails the spirit of the “do-it-yourself” -doer and are not afraid to get grease on your hands or if you are in an emergency […]
The Importance of Car Registration
A person cannot drive a car if he has no license. In the same manner, a car should not be driven if it’s not registered. And proof that a car has been registered with the Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV), the car’s owner is issued a registration plate, also known […]
Data And Footage..
For those who plan to reside with a automotive for a very long time, reliability means all the things once you store on the used market. It isn’t stunning that the powertrains of electrical vehicles differ quite a bit from traditional inner-combustion engines. Lenders have relaxed their credit score requirements […]
The Zeno Paradoxes, Metaphysics and Modern Quantum Mechanics
Zeno was an ancient Greek thinker whose mathematical paradoxes are of greater importance to modern thought than is realized. He was a disciple of Parmenides of Elea whose followers were of the school of philosophers known as the Eleatics. The Eleatics produced brilliantly insightful arguments showing how other thinkers’ premises […]