How to Comparison Shop Pennsylvania Auto Insurance Quotes


Getting a Pennsylvania auto insurance quote in the PA automobile insurance market today has never been easier. Pennsylvania residents and people all over the United States need to understand that the market for insurance has been growing at tremendous rates and that thousands of companies are out there giving quotes […]

The Benefits of Traditional Toys


The benefits of traditional wooden toys are not just a nostalgic look back to the days of our own childhood; there are many more advanced reasons that benefit your children directly. This article explores and helps to explain the benefits of bringing your children up playing with traditional toys instead […]

Looking at Your Car’s Wiring


Hello and welcome back to our series on automotive tools and how to guides for the new weekend warrior auto mechanic. This isn’t meant for the professional, but rather the average Joe who is looking to get his hands a little dirty on the weekends. In the past, we have […]

Avoiding Dealer Status When Flipping Houses


Any Investor who flips more than one or two properties a year will run into the issue of being branded with “dealer status” by the IRS for tax purposes. This is an extremely dangerous thing. Dealers, like Real Estate Agents, are considered to be self-employed and subject to self-employment taxes […]

Car-Auto Insurance Cheap – Your Profession And What You Pay


You can get car-auto insurance cheap if your profession is such that enjoys concessions from insurance companies. You are, therefore, encouraged to know how and which companies favor your profession so that you can take advantage of it. If you go through this article thoroughly and follow the instructions closely, […]