It is not easy being a coach. If you’re teaching racquetball, you are up for more challenges. There are many people who might enlist in your program who actually don’t know the way to play the game to begin with. It would be really tough explaining to them the mechanics of racquetball and teaching them the principle positioning and methods in playing. It is better if you would try harder not to suffer your cool. Here are some effective points that would surely help you succeed in your endeavor.
First, explain to your students the concepts of missing the ball and crowding the ball. Most players worry too much about missing the ball but they wind up crowding the ball (being inappropriately hit by the ball in any step in the body). Incite each individual to take trials by error in determining the best key schemes. Toss some balls into the student to jam him. When she learns the gap between crowding and getting jammed, she could open herself to discovering and learning hers devised way in correct positioning and swinging.
Second, remember that your students would always are inclined to focus or center on the order in the direction they are taught. If you teach gripping before swinging, they would wind up blaming the grip. If you teach swinging before positioning, they would end up blaming the swing or grip. The best sequence is to teach proper positioning before gripping and swinging. This way, the students would surely understand your critiques. Instructors who ordinarily teach grip, stroke, and mechanics before court positioning are frequently having a more difficult time. This is because students are inclined to worry much about their grip, stroke, and mechanics instead of about pre-positioning so they could hit using the correct mechanics.
What is the easiest, yet fastest method to teach students not to crowd the ball? As a teacher, you need to be strategic enough in taking out their fears of possibly missing the ball. To do this, have them play the ball on three or two bounces. This is teaching the off backwall return. It works best for novices who’re learning how the ball is bouncing off various sidewalls at differing speeds and heights. As your students get more skilled in the technique, shift to using two and then one bounce. This way, you are worsening the contest and sharpening their skills.
To conclude, racquetball might be about positioning. Let the students practice positioning as well as stroke mechanics. Get them to be be conscious that weak or poor positioning could result in weak or poor return shots. Remember that if the students would understand the need for their court positioning over stroke or grip mechanics, they would be more able to slowly but surely teach by themselves the ways to get away or faraway from the ball. Along the way, they would learn how not to crowd the ball but not miss it at the same time. In the conclusion, practice makes perfect.