Swing Mechanics Setup/Address Begins With Hips/Pelvis to Shape the Skeleton for a Golf Swing


Physically Constructing your setup and Address two separate acts is forming your skeleton to develop body rotational swing force going into the grip. The beginning is to develop focus on the shaping of hips/pelvis setup. The hips/pelvis is the foundation abilities to shape lower body and upper body for one’s club swing mechanics movement.

There is 4 physcially parts to develop any golf swing mechanics. First is Hip/pelvic, Scond is lower body which is feet/toes then knees linked to hips/Pevlc. Third is upper body which is Pelvic/spine to head setup, shoulder blades and arms forming. Fourth is grip base on Finger ergonomics for club.

The hips/pelvis is the foundation to build your skeleton frame that brings skeleton alignment during setup. Then the transition hips/pelvis movement into address creating a club skeletonal shape swing mechanics.

In developing your skeleton shaping first begins with hip/pelvis forming the skeleton. There are three basic hips/pelvis forms golfer do. I am going to introduce a NEW fourth hip/pelvic setup and address form that allows more sheletion rotational abilites to the hands.

In this approach the goal of hips/pelvis is to turn in your golf swing so the shouders rotate the grip.

I explain hips/pelvis from 3 different points of views golfers are doing now in their swing mechanics. Each view of shaping the hips/pelvic influences ones skeletion swing rotational force.

Then I will introduce you and talk about the 4 way to shape your Hips/Pelvis and how it affects your skeletion rotational force.

Being a physical trainer I look at the shape of body, which is the Skeleton, base on purpose. The Skeleton shape is the foundational in order to realize end goals in movement of body.

This article focus on body skeleton construction for rotational force to the grip. There is lot of other influences like muscle/Fascia (Myofascial) that allows range of movement of the skeleton with each club

The first focus at setup is the hip/Pelvis shape that influences skeleton shaping abilities going into address that setup abilities of a swing.

The first type of hip/pelvis shape you see at address is the golfer bending from the lower back or waist making a C curve spine shape up to the head. The hips/pelvis form spine shpae can have tail bone tilted in and under.

This C type spine address does not allow hips/pelvis to turn on the back swing so club head movement does not go back that far. Forward turn base on feet is limited in hip/pelvis turning. The more C spine hip/pelvis is in the swing has less club head range movement and force This hip/pelvis for C spine affects the shoulders blades to separate from spine which affacts grip abilities and shoulders ability to come up during swing.

The second type Hip/Pelvis shape is very common with golfers even Pros is to have the hip/Pelvis shape that forms a lower back arch. This creats spine shape like a S in the spine betweem tail bone to head. The greater the arch in the lower back the hips/Pelvis has the affect of locking the hips/pelvis in places so Turning the hips is a challenge. Unless the lower spine comes straight during the swing so the hips/pelvic can turn then. This lower back arch has many influences that affects abilities for skeletion rotational forces.

Golfers who do the lower back arch bend forward at hip flexors. As they bend their tail bone goes pass the heels which put ones body weight balances on the heels. You cannot shift or turn hips/pelvis while on heels. Movement of the body is off of ball of the feet. You will never see runner start a races on the heels. My view you should have 60/40 body weight feel between ball and heel.

Women can create the best arch in lower back base on Skeletion structure so their swings are more upper body swing unless they have NO arch. With an arch in lower back does produce a sensation you do not want. That is being physically stable for a golf swing on heels.

Since you can see so many golfers with arch in back and tail bone pass the heel their type of swing it produces in upper body swing force with limited abilities for lower body force.

The third address hips/pelvis form has NO lower back arch and can creates a straight spine to the head. There is no arch lower back arch hip/pelvic turing ability from the hip flaxors is natural and it affects shoulder blades abilities for rotational range to bring strength to the grip.

You can see the spine shape with Tiger wood and others where spine is straight to head no rounded shoulders or lower back arch. They bend at the Hip flexors going into address which is tilting hips/pelvis forward at the hip flexors allowing a straight spine alignment up to head and shoulder blades are NOT rounded.

The three Hips/Pelvis addresses. First is the C type where bend at the wait. Then second you see S lower back hip/pelvis shape. That shape have NO lower back arch base on setup of the hips/pelvic where spine can be straight.

Now it time to introducea a 4 hip/pelvic shape that I have thought up that increase possibilities of higher rotation body force.

This NEW hip/pelvic shape at setup and address you start by standing, be sure your feet are pointed straight a head, then feel your hips/pelvic to the side where the spine is tilted. The spine side angle is from the hip/pelvis and heel balance 60/40 sensation. To have NO lower back arch the hips/pelvis has to be tilted forward little to NOT have lower back arch. Take time to realize the NEW sensation before going down to lower body setup. Then to upper body spine and head stetup. Now it time to create side tilted of hips/pelvic and spine into address.

What you will see from behind at a golfer setup is hip/pelvic is tilted and spine is angled to side from behind. This is NEW sensaton to increase turning the hip/pelvic. At address you see from behind the hips/pelvic angled with the spince all being in alignment for shoulder rotational abilities.

New sensation for golfers is turning the hips/pelvics with angle at the hip flexors where force senation is at the hip joint/hip flaxor area in the turning of hips. Warning the right foot dynamics is important more then before.

This is NEW hip/pelvic address setup requires a golfer to do it very slowly given it alters swing sensation of the skeletion rotational actions. The swing is one unit where hips do NOT need to adjust during the down swing. Making the hip/pelvic side tilt angle with shoulder title at address affect sensations and enhances rotational abilities to bring grip to ball.

To add to setup and address that affects shoulder blade where they do not come up during the swing is the head placement at setup going into address and being in address..

If you test this to find head placement for the swing so shoulders coming up is very limited if at all. If head is forward of shoulder you can move up freely during the swing. Test this if you pull the head/chin back NOT up and then see if your shoulders can move up. You will find limited shoulder up movement during swing for this is skeleton shaping.

To keep this head placement going into address as you bend forward at the hip flexors the chest is pulling your head forward. Most golfers have the head go forward and chest comes adterwards that allows shoulders to come up with NO resistances. The goal is the head does not direct the movement going into address. It is little thing but has big affect during your swing.

To create this side alignment of hips/pelvis and spine you tilt to side by the I T band or leg and hip joint. It right at the hip/leg joint where Hips/pelvis tilts so the spine is angled from tail bone up to head. Then bend at the hip/pelvis flexor going into address that allows hips/pelvis angle and shoulders both hand tilt at address. Please keep in mind these are new sensations and takes time to incorporate the benefits and practice and most of ALL test it and see range of abilities.

If want see example of hip/pelvis side tilt in a swing. Go to Ben Hogan Five lessons with his two drawing of his swing almost striking the ball. Look at the hip/Pelvis angle tilt as his club is coming into the ball. With this hip/pelvis side tilt allows the left shoulder to be up and right shoulder to bring club faces into the ball if you want to drive the ball high and out.

I have a saying flat shoulders produce flat ball drives. You hit the ball with your left shoulder titled up the club faces comes through going up. The mistaken idea is the driver club swing is a circle that is not accurate. As the club face strikes that ball the angle of movement changes to produce increase exhilaration base on left shoulder angle being hp. This tilt of shoulders up allows the right elbow placement which affects club face timing to strike ball with greater force.

There is Grip finger ergonomic is complex like Ben Hogan shows but there is so much more unspoken in his book.

Developing skeleton begins hips/pelvis setup to shape then rest of skeleton base on golfers abilities. We all adjust to skeleton then muscle/Fascial abilities into are club swing mechanics.

I like to introduce what moves the skeletion range and force is Myofascial. Myo is muscle that is strength. Fascial is connecting tissue that connects links the whole body range of movemnert. Fascial determines range of movement and affects influencs of movement base on emotioanl atttide your head generator produces that directe energy.

There is lot more here but not having lower back pain or creating it while playing golf is what I am hoping to clue you into possibilities with what Myofascial and skeleton movement.

Look at two other article I have written that influence of the swign. The big one is shoulder stress and how to alter that for increase range abilities through core breath as FIX during setup at addres and during the swing. Changing stress in shoulders is a must for the best swings.

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