Accidents at construction sites can be a real hazard not just for workers, but for people and cars passing by the site. However, there are some essential tips to know for workers and passersby to keep safe while work is going on.
If you are driving, a good way to avoid issues with construction sites, including the annoying slowdowns or long stops, is to avoid those areas in the first place. Before heading out for work, turn on your local TV news or check their mobile app for a traffic report. Most traffic reports include any news of construction related closures, detours or slowdowns. When in your car, check the local news radio station for their alerts as well. When passing near a construction zone, be sure to pay attention for any barricades, warning lights or flaggers ahead and adjust your speed accordingly. Also stay aware of any merging lanes, many times a lane will be closed for road repair or construction.
Barricades and scaffolding are two things to be aware of as well. You should never try to ascend or climb onto scaffolding or go over or around any barricades. There’s a reason they are there, to keep you away from possibly dangerous areas. Many worksites are abandoned at night or on weekends, be sure to stay away from worksites during these times and make sure you aren’t going into any restricted areas. Warning lights and signals are used often around worksites, pay attention to them. One great example of a warning light is a barricade light. Barricade lights are simply standard barricades with lights mounted on top of them. These lights can be electrically powered but can also be solar powered so they work in areas that may not yet have electric power or don’t have electricity near them. Barricades and barricade lights are perfect for keeping people away from areas or roadways that they shouldn’t be in. They work in a number of ways.
There are thousands of construction and road work related accidents and injuries each year, and many are preventable with some common sense safety tips and just paying attention to your surroundings. Remember, if you see something that may be a violation of safety rules or just seems to be dangerous to you, report it to the proper authorities. Construction sites can be very dangerous, never take chances and always be paying attention to stay safe.