How to Change Your Car’s Motor Oil


First, let’s answer the question; Why should you change your own oil? Because you can save time and money. You don’t have to wait in line at the service garage or quick oil change shop. For ten bucks you can get the best oil and a brand new oil filter. […]

4 Reasons to Select a Custom Electrical Wire Harness


The electrical wire harness industry has been growing at a rapid clip for the past half decade. Much of this can be attributed to the incredible achievements in technology that have been made in the recent past resulting in the increased filings for innovative patents, advancements in industrial machinery to […]

The Differences Between Commercial Fans and Residential Fans


Commercial fans are useful in industrial settings where efficiency, reliability and power are more important than aesthetics. Some significant differences between the commercial and residential versions are the former operates with less number of blades for faster speed. Commercial fans are designed to allow greater and efficient airflow. Their curved […]

Why Choose A Tesla Electric Car?


If you are looking for an environmentally friendly option for your new vehicle, then the chances are that you will be considering purchasing an electric car. An electric car is not only better for the environment, but will also save you thousands of dollars each year that you would otherwise […]

Spick and Span for Your Car’s Engine


Most people operate with the general understanding that they need to get their car washed regularly in order to keep the exterior looking nice. Not only that, but regular car washes help maintain your car’s paint job. Now, if the outside of your car looks great, so should the inside. […]

Indiana Auto Dealer Listed As Oldest in USA


During the recent months of the current economic crisis, many car dealers have had to close their doors. One dealership that has weathered this and several other difficult financial markets is also the country’s longest-lived family-owned vehicle retailer, W. Hare & Son. From the age of Conestoga wagons to the […]

Ford Motor Company – Case Study


Background (General Facts) Ford Motors is one of three leading automotive manufacturing companies in the United States. Based in Michigan in 1903 by Henry ford and grew to reach revenue of $150 billion and more than 370,000 employees by 1996 [1]. In the 1970’s, the automobile market for the major […]