Basketball Shooting Mechanics


Basic basic shots include the one-hand set shot, free throw, jump shot, three-point shot, hook shot, lay-up, and runner. These shots share certain basic mechanics, including sight, balance, hand position, elbow-in alignment, shooting rhythm, and follow-through. The best way to develop your shot is to concentrate on only one or […]

The Cost of Repairing a Damaged Vehicle


Collisions occur when 2 objects bump into each other. So if two cars run into each other or if a car smashes into a tree it is considered a collision. It can be a very unpleasant experience overall, emotionally and physically. According to statistics the majority of accidents do not […]

Trade, Jobs and Growth: Facts Before Folly


Trade. Our new President rails against it, unions denigrate it, and unemployed blame it. And not without reason. On trade, jobs and economic growth, the US has performed less than stellar. Let’s look at the data, but then drill down a bit to the nuances. Undirected bluster to reduce trade […]

Insurance Facts You May Not Know


Formal insurance coverage has been arguably there for individuals and business since the late 1800’s. For the layman, though, not everything in a homeowner, auto, property and commercial policy is what it may seem. On a practical level, it’s important to meet with an experienced independent agent to review your […]

Water Fuel Engine Made Simple


It has really been in the past couple of years which have seen a surge in people installing a water fuel engine in their cars and trucks. Although the technology has been around for a long time, over a hundred years and even longer if you count Isaac Newton’s theoretical […]

Electric Vehicle Recharging Stations Investment Opportunities


Venture Capital companies and Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) invest in electric-vehicle charging infrastructure. Some stations include covered solar panel charging stations. Cities across America are implementing electric vehicle (EV) charging station in downtown areas and suburbs fostering support for electric cars. This green energy momentum is very visible. Will this […]